Authorized request - the best way to contact us

Authorized request can be used to order, cancel or change the configuration of your services.

It is a message safely and directly sent from the Customer center to the communication system of our customer support.

This request allows us to be 100% sure that we are communicating with the person authorized to request any changes, and we will immediately process it. 

The option to write and send an authorized request can be found directly in the Customer Centre, specifically in the top right part of menu in the control panel. It is also in the main (left) menu under Services / Requests, or in the Quick links in the page footer.

An authorized request is also considered via a phone call from the contact number that is written in the customer's account.

You can also contact us using chat in the control panel.


NOTICE: All unauthorized requests, for already running service, can't be done without proper authorization and implementation time will be longer to confirm at authorized person. That's why we recommend to send all requests and questions by authorized requests.