- information about status of system and services

Website are communication channel during crisis of ACTIVE 24 s.r.o, where our clients can find out information about:

a) unplanned outages, which can't be due to their nature/extent told to customers by standard communication channels. It is meant for outages, which could make unavailable or dramatically reduce the standard communication channels or they can not be effectively used.

b) planned maintenance of our systems, where it is assumed, that could result in a denial or restriction of standard communication channels or they can not be used effectively.


Specific examples of the usage of portal


Unplanned outages:

- DDOS attack, when the entire network is unavailable or greatly slowed, affected are also telephones that are dependent on the IP network.

- outage of border network element that causes that our systems are not available outside of our network


Planned maintenance:

- change of border network elements, where it is possible, that our systems will not be available outside our network.

- work on electro-installation in our data center, where it is possible, that some unplanned problem can occur with powering our key network or other important elements.

- maintenance of central systems, as is central data storage (systems, that are used by huge amount of clients and where is the danger, that in case of possible outage, these clients will overload our standard communication  channels.

- maintenance of Standard communication channels itself