Anti Spam
Anti spam is a combination of several sub-measures that can eliminate the majority of unsolicited messages in your mail when properly configured. Antispam runs on the server side, but most modern e-mail clients also have this feature.
Content Management System. A system for managing site content through an on-line administration interface. Active24 offers custom editing system My New Web and eZ Publish in special packages. However, it is possible to install any editorial system for which the system requirements are met. On Linux servers, we offer the installation of the most common content management systems, such as Joomla, Word press or phpBB, with One Click Installer (OCI). On Windows OS, you can use Microsoft WebMatrix to easily install DotNetNuke, Umbraco, Kentico, and more.
Domain Name System is a hierarchical domain name system that is implemented by DNS servers and a protocol of the same name by which they exchange information. Its main purpose and cause are mutual transfers of domain names and IP addresses of network nodes. Later, however, he gained additional features (eg for e-mail or IP telephony) and is de facto a distributed network information database.
Domain Name System Security Extensions is a secure version of DNS records where the risk of abuse is reduced. With this domain set up, you'll be more confident that when you type it into a web browser, the content of the desired domain will actually appear.
FTP is short for File Transfer Protocol. This protocol is used to upload data of web presentation on server.
FTP secured by SSL/TLS (sometimes mistaken with the term Safe FTP - SFTP )
HyperText Transfer Protocol is an Internet protocol originally designed to exchange hypertext documents in HTML format. It usually uses the TCP / 80 port.
HTTPS is an HTTP network protocol extension that allows you to secure the connection between the web browser and the web server from listening, scrambling data, and also allows verifying the identity of the counterparty. HTTPS uses HTTP, the data being transmitted is encrypted using SSL or TLS, and the standard server-side port is 443.
The Internet Message Access Protocol is an Internet protocol for remote access to the mailbox. Unlike POP3, IMAP requires a permanent connection (on-line), but offers advanced remote management capabilities (folder handling, messaging, server-side scans, and so on). IMAP4 is currently in use.
IP address
An IP address is a computer number that uniquely identifies a network interface on a computer network that uses the IP protocol. Currently, the most popular version of IPv4 is 32-bit addresses, such as
The Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) is a protocol for transferring packets between computers on the Internet and other networks. It is developed to replace the worldwide IPv4 protocol that is the pillar of the current Internet. One of the major changes IPv6 brings is far more address space. It contains a total of 2 ^ 128 (roughly 3.4 × 10 ^ 38) addresses, which corresponds to 5 × 10 ^ 28 addresses for each of the 6.5 billion people living today.
Content Management System - My New Website. Website creation service through a simple administration tool. It is not possible to use PHP scripts, databases, or periodic scripting (CRON) within the service. When selecting it, select the LINUX operating system.
Name server = the name server in which the DNS records for 2nd order domains are kept. The Name servers of ACTIVE24 are, for example, and
Name server set identifier. Contains names of DNS servers. It can be used on more than one domain. When registering a domain, it is either individually assigned by ACTIVE24 or set by the user.
On The Fly
On The Fly it means that the data is encrypted and encrypted whenever it is needed.
PEAR is an abbreviation for PHP Extensions and Application Repository extensions and PHP applications. The purpose is to provide structured open-source code libraries for PHP users.
Phishing is a fraudulent technique used on the Internet to retrieve sensitive data (passwords, credit card numbers, etc.) from attack victims. Its principle is to send e-mail messages that appear as an official request from the bank or other similar institution and invite the addressee to enter its details on the linked page. For example, this page may mimic the Internet Banking sign-in window and the user enters his login and password. This will reveal the data to attackers who are then able to rake money from their account.
Post Office Protocol v3 is an Internet protocol that is used to download email messages from a remote server to a client. This is an application protocol running through a TCP / IP connection.
Remote Desktop Protocol - RDP - means a network protocol that allows a user to control a remote computer by connecting to its control environment. The connection works on a client-server basis when a user on their computer uses a simple client to display the graphical user environment that is running on the remote computer.
Search Engine Optimization is a method of editing web pages in such a way that their content is suitable for automated processing on Internet search engines. The purpose of this optimization is to get a higher position in the search result for that web site, better visibility of the link.
Secure File Transfer Protocol using SSH
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is an Internet protocol designed to transfer e-mail messages (emails) between e-mail carriers. The protocol provides mail delivery through a direct connection between the sender and the addressee; the message is delivered to the so-called mailbox of the recipient, which can then be accessed (off-line) by POP3 or IMAP protocols.
Spam is an unsolicited mass-spread message (most often advertising) spread over the Internet. Originally used primarily for unsolicited advertising emails, over time this phenomenon has affected other types of Internet communications - such as discussion forums, comments or instant messaging (ICQ, SKYPE, Live Messaging).
Secure Shell is a computer program designation for secure communication protocol in computer networks that use TCP / IP. SSH has been designed to replace telnet and other unsecured remote protocols (rlogin, rsh, etc.) that send the password in unsecured form to allow it to be intercepted when transmitted over a computer network.
Secure Sockets Layer, SSL is protocol, resp. a layer embedded between a transport layer (e.g., TCP / IP) and an application (e.g., HTTP) that provides communication security by encrypting and authenticating communicating pages.
The TCP / IP family of logs contains a set of protocols for communication on a computer network and is the main protocol of the global Internet. A communication protocol is a set of rules that determine the syntax and meaning of each message during communication (eg HTTP runs mostly on TCP port 80).
TLD is the top-level Internet domain of the Internet domain. The domain name is the top-level domain listed at the end (for example at it is the domain of the highest CZ order).
Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a cryptographic protocol providing secure Internet communication for services such as WWW, e-mail, Internet fax and other data transfers.
TTL indicates in DNS the maximum amount of time that data can be stored in the cache server. The usual time is 86,400 seconds, which is 24 hours. Longer downtime reduces network load because DNS queries do not have to be repeated, and shorter time limits the amount of time needed to make changes everywhere in the world by DNS administrator (s) on the primary DNS server.
The VDS (Virtual Dedicated Server) hosting service as such is based on the fact that the customer will acquire a fully dedicated system with generally smaller disk and memory space managed by ACTIVE24 technicians.
Virtual managed servers - hosting products for customers who would not be sufficiently satisfied by shared hosting and do not want to worry about administering the server. Server administration is provided by experienced Administrators.
Virtual Private Server Full Control - This is a virtual server to which a customer receives admin access (root or admin RDP)
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