Rules of .SK domains

The .SK domain is a national TopLevel domain, belonging to the Slovak republic. The webpage of the .SK central register is SK-NIC.SK.

Registration of .SK domains is possible for any subjects, which dispose of a mail delivery address in any member states of the European Union, states of the EEA (European Economic Area) or in a member state of the EFTA (European Free Trade Association - Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, Switzerland).

Registration of a .SK domain is possible up to 10 years.


Life cycle of a .SK domain

Registration of a .SK domain will procceed after we recieve the registering payment on our bank account. After the registration, a domain is functional until the end of its registered period. We are sending an invoice for extending a .SK domain 30 days before its expiration date, always to a mailbox of the customer account, under which the domain is.

If a domain is not paid for before the end of its registered period, it will be inducted into a protection period by the register. A domain is not working in this condition and it is not possible to do changes on holder or administrative contact. The protection period lasts 40 days after expiration date and to renew its function it is necessary to pay for its maintenance. If a domain is not paid for during this protection period, it will be, on 41 day after its expiration, deleted by the central register and released for registration.

The data for .SK  domains are kept in a form of an identifier, which contains data about the holder or administrative contact. One contact identifier can be stated as a holder or administrator for more .SK domains¨(by one registrar).

Transfer of .SK domain

To transfer a .SK domain to our company, you need to have an authinfo code, which can be provided to you by your current domain registrar. The transfer is charged and extends the register period of a domain for one year.

A transfer itself can be started after signing into the Customer center, in the Services / Domains / Domain transfer section. There you can input a domain name without WWW and click on Continue. On the next page input the authinfo code, mark the check box, that you agree with the transfer charge and choose, if you wish to set up our nameservers after the transfer. The current nameservers will be kept, if you do not mark this check box. DNS records do not transfer when changing the nameservers.


Changes on .SK domain

The data for .SK  domains are kept in a form of an identifier, which contains data about the holder and administrative/technical contact. More information about editing or creating contact identifiers are in our FAQ article - .SK domain owner identifier.

You can change nameservers following the FAQ article - Change of nameservers on domain.

You can setup a new holder (owner) for .SK domain using a new identifier. How to swap identifiers is described in the FAQ article - .SK domain owner identifier.