Central register for .CZ domains use as owner or administrator information contact Identifier. Contact identifier works as code of owner, containing his contact information and one contact can be used as owner or administrator at several .CZ domains.
- Registration of contact identifier
- Default contact identifier for registration of .CZ domains
- Change contact information on identifier
- Transfer of contact identifier
- How to find contact identifier on .CZ domain?
- Change of owner at .CZ domains (switch of contact identifiers)
Registration of contact identifier
If you wish to transfer .CZ domain on new owner, it is necessary, that the new owner of .CZ domain will create own contact identifier. New contact identifier needs to be created also in situation, where you wish to change the name of company or your name at owner information.
- Log in to Customer center.
- In section Services/Domains/Registration of .CZ identifier choose to register Contact.
- Fill in mandatory data marked by asterisk. Some of them can be hidden.
- Registration of new contact can be verified in section Services/Domains/Request records.
- If State at new identifier is done, you can use it for owner change.
Detailed walk through:
- Using your login information, log in to Customer center. Or you can generate new password here.
- After you are logged in, choose section Services/Domains/Registration of .CZ identifier option registrar Contact.
- Edit the prefilled contact details to your own needs, the name of identifier can be changed too, it has to be unique and written with capital letters. Some information can be hidden, they will not be seen in public listing of WHOIS domain register database.
- When the new contact identifier is saved, check his state of creation in section Services/Domains/Request records.
- If State at new identifier is done, you can use it for owner change.
Default contact identifier for registration of .CZ domains
At every customer account can be set default contact identifier for registration authority NIC.CZ. Chosen identifier will be user at every new registration of domain with .CZ TLD, if it's not specified differently in order.
If no identifier is set there, during the first domain registration with .CZ TLD, new identifier will be created automatically. This identifier will be set as default for next registrations.
Change of default contact identifier can be done anytime in Customer center in section Customer data.
- Log in to Customer center.
- In section Customer data click at option NIC.CZ identifier on button edit.
- Fill in the whole name of contact identifier and select Save.
- Now you can make new orders of .CZ domain for selected contact identifier.
Detailed walk through:
- Using your login information, log in to Customer center. Or you can generate new password here.
- In section Customer data click at option NIC.CZ identifier on button edit. If you don't know your identifier and you know, at which domain it is set, you can find out with our article How to find contact identifier on .CZ domain mentioned lower. Or you can create new identifier with our article Registration of contact identifier.
- After saving the new identifier you can immediately order new .CZ domains for selected owner contact.
Change contact information on identifier
Change of contact information can be done electronically through our Customer center, changes always needs to be confirmed by validation link, which is send on currently used contact e-mail address listed at contact identifier.
At identifier cannot be changed the company name, neither the name of person. For this change it is necessary to first register new contact identifier and then change owner at domain. Other changes can be made in customer center by walk through mentioned lower.
- Log in to Customer center.
- In section Services/Domains/Changes in .CZ and .SK choose .CZ TLD.
- Choose Change to: Contact. and fill the whole name of contact identifier.
- After the changes are saved validation link will be sent on contact e-mail, which is currently valid on contact.
- Changes can be seen within two hours after confirmation the validation link, this link is valid for 14 days.
Transfer of contact identifier
If the contact identifier was created under different registrator, we can't edit it, so you can't make changes of contact details from Customer center. For us to be possible to make changes, you have to transfer to our company your contact identifier.
Transfer of contact is also used in case, when on registered contact you wish to change hidden details. By transferring you will unlock hidden option for editing.
- Log in to Customer center.
- In section Services/Domains/Transfer of .CZ identifier choose Transfer; Contact
- Fill in the whole name of identifier and insert its authinfo code. If you don't have it, you can ask for its sending on contact e-mail listed at identifier.
- As soon as the transfer is confirmed, you can see its process in section Services/Domains/Request records.
How to find contact identifier on .CZ domain?
Holder of .CZ domain is always listed in database of register. Even though some details can be hidden the basic information about holder are always available.
- Visit database of register for .CZ domains - https://www.nic.cz/whois/
- Type the domain (without WWW) in the search box.
- Domain identifier is listed with name of owner or company at option Holder. The contact identifier is all underlined.
- After clicking on contact identifier you can find out holder of domain details.
Change of owner at .CZ domains (switch of contact identifiers)
Change od holder with TLD .CZ can be made directly in Customer center in section Services/Domains/Changes in .CZ and .SK.
After the TLD is chosen and domain name is written (included .cz TLD) the form will be shown with details from central register CZ nic, which can be edited here.
Content of field "Holder contact" replace with contact identifier of future holder (this ID should be provided to you by new owner). In case the new contact is not registered, you can obtain it in section Services/Domains/Registration of .CZ identifier. If the future owner already have some .cz domain, you can eventually find out his ID on address http://www.nic.cz/whois after writing his domain on line "Holder".
After the new ID is set, clicking on "Save and continue" will send authorization messages on contact e-mails of both contacts (present and future holder). Final change is made on central register after the confirmation is made from present and future holder and that is by clicking on validation link contained in message sent on contact e-mails. Change of holder on CZ domain can be done only by owner of domain.
Transfer of domain under new holder is done immediately, when its confirmed from both parties.
If you don't have access to Customer center and your e-mail address in central register database is no longer valid, you can ask for change by form.
By sending the form you agree with following:
a) current terms and conditions (https://www.active24.co.uk/wp-content/themes/active24_cognito/upload/VOP_EN_2016_pdf.pdf)
b) current rules of registration domain names nic.cz (http://www.nic.cz/page/314/pravidla-a-postupy/),
c) change of holder in database of central register for selected domain,
d) that by doing this request will not change customer or invoice details in customer database of ACTIVE 24.