.CZ domain owner change in case the domain owner identifier is not registered at Active24 company

Domain owner / holder (ID of the contact of the .CZ domain, referred to as “Contact” further on) can be registered under the Active24 or another registrar.
If the contact is not registered under Active24, it is not possible to set this contact as the domain holder to the .CZ domain as usual. In such case it is possible to do one of the following:
1.    Transfer contact to Active24 (doesn’t work for contact registered via MojeID)
How to proceed with this option, visit this guide.

2.    Set contact as administrative and then you can change the domain holder.
How to proceed with this option, visit this guide.

3.    Make the email address public at your current registrar (after making changes at Active24 it can be hidden again).
How to proceed with this option, please contact your current registrar. The process may differ from one registrar to other.

4.    Create a new contact and set it as the domain owner
How to proceed with this option, visit this guide. After that, you need to initiate the change of contact on the domain.
If you are not sure of what option is right for you, you can contact our helpdesk and we will gladly help you find the best way for you.