Change of invoice/contact information

Change of contact and invoice information can be done anytime in Customer center. If you wish to change also information on already send invoice, contact us by authorized request.

Edited can be only information at account, where you have access, if you wish to edit information at company account and you have access only to account of contact person, you can't edit the information.

If you don't have access to account, or contact e-mail and telephone number, you can ask for edit information  by paper form. It's necessary to scan it and send to our e-mail address with scan of ID. 

NOTE: Change of contact information in customer database will not change information at registered domains! Every domain has its own contact information saved on central register. Change can be made by article Change of contact information at domain.
  1. Login to Customer center.
  2. Click on option Customer data.
  3. Edit wanted information. 
  4. Save wanted changes and type in your password. 
  5. If you also wish to edit invoice, contact us by authorized request.

Detailed walk through:

  1. Using your login information log in to Customer center. Or you can ask for a new password.
  2. In left menu choose option Customer data.
  3. In option for Contact details or billing information click on option Edit
  4. Save wanted changes and type in your password.
  5. If you also wish to edit invoice, contact us by authorized request.