Credit System

The Credit System is designed for all of our customers, but it is especially welcomed by those who have a greater number of services and who still do not want to deal with whether they have already paid for the services they use. With a sufficient amount of credit and automatic payments the Credit System allows you to immediately send services for installation / registration or extending services that are approaching its expiration and thus saves your time.

Payment from the Credit System can be applied to any services under your customer account - domains, hosting, emails, etc. - and can be maintained in your preferred currency (CZK, EUR, GBP).

PLEASE NOTE: It is not possible to have a multi-currency credit system activated and the credit cannot be used to pay for services in a currency other than the one in which the credit is held.


Basic information

  • The credit system can be used as a payment method to pay for all services offered by Active 24, except Managed servers (so-called Dedicated servers) and credit recharge.
  • Only one selected currency (CZK, EUR, GPB) can be used in the Credit System. The currency is determined automatically when opening an account.
  • Credit can only be used for payment in the same currency as it is used. For example, you cannot charge Pounds and make payments in Euros.
  • The credit is provided as a service of the company Active 24, the service is subject to the standard complaint procedure.


Activation of the Credit System

The credit system is available to all our customers without limiting the number and type of services they manage.

You will activate the Credit System from your customer account from the Customer Center through the Billing.
Upon activation, you choose the amount you wish to recharge the Credit System and for its successful activation it is necessary to give your consent to the Terms of Service.
Once you have made a payment request to recharge your Credit System, you will be able to make full use of it.

Activating the Credit System will set up automatic credit payments for your services.

PLEASE NOTE: Dedicated servers, recharging of the Deposit System and charging of the Credit System are not possible from the Credit System.


Step-by-step activation

  1. To activate the Credit System, click on the Billing tab in the Customer Center
  2. click here on the Credit system
  3. and you Activate credit system

  4. fill in the required amount
  5. and click on Issue pro forma invoice
  6. indicate your acceptance of the Terms and conditions which will result in a issuing a pro forma invoice to recharge the selected amount to your credit, after payment you will have the credit to pay for the services under your customer account. By default, the pro forma invoice is sent to your contact email address and will be included in your Payments and invoicing overview.

PLEASE NOTE: The amount to which you want to charge the credit is filled out without VAT. The payment request will be issued for an amount including VAT.
Payment requests Excluding VAT are only available for accounts kept on a VAT ID where the account holder is a VAT payer.



Once your Credit System is active, you can manage it as follows:

  1. Billing > Credit system 
  2. where you can see what your current credit Balance is, Overview of payment requests and their Detail
  3. at the same time, you can set up the Credit System specifics through the Credit system settings tab


Credit System settings

In the Credit system settings, you can select / switch the following:

  1. Whether the Credit System will be active
    - unused credit will remain associated with your account after you disable the credit system
  2. You can turn on notifications for low credit
  3. Change the threshold at which a low credit alert will be sent to you
  4. Enable / disable sending of proforma invoices
    - we will not send payment requests or notifications of outstanding payment request
  5. Enable Montly reports 
    - at the end of each month, we will email you a summary of all credit transactions, and this is a transcript of the monthly overview that is also available in the Credit System Overview

In the Credit System Overview, you can download an overview of all credit transactions for the selected period in .CSV format.

PLEASE NOTE: If you have enabled automatic payment for your services from Credit System, your payment will be charged 10 days after the payment request is issued. If you do not wish to pay for the service, you must click Do not auto-withdraw in your account's paments overview within this time period. Proper extension of the service is subject to timely payment, i.e. to the due date, and possible verification of availability with third parties (see GTC). 


Automatic payments

By setting up the Credit System, you will be automatically charged from your credit for all future payment requests. You can change this from the Customer Center under Billing.
Here you can either cancel the automatic payment of a specific payment request from the credit system by clicking "Do not automatically withdraw" and on the other hand you can completely disable the automatic payment from Credit.

You'll also see which payment requests are affected by an automatic credit payment in your Payment Summary, which are labeled "Automatically from credit"

To disable automatic payments:

  1. Click Billing
  2. here, you’ll select the Payment and invoicing
  3. in the Payment and invoicing, you will see individual issued payment requests, for which you can set Do not pay automatically
    - this is only a one-time shutdown that will be applied to a specific payment request and will not be reflected in the next or any other payment requests
  4. To turn off automatic payments completely, switch from Automatically from Credit to Manual



How billing works in the Credit System

First, you need to recharge your credit, which is done by issuing and paying a credit recharge payment request

Within 15 days from paying the payment request for recharging credit a FV (invoice issued) will be issued for a zero amount, which contains the payment made and serves as a tax document.

Payment from the Credit System is automatic - a service payment request will be issued with a reference number, on day 10 your credit will be charged and your service will be extended by the payment perioud you set.
Payment request for services is issued including VAT, but the amount of credit is deducted without VAT, as VAT was paid during credit recharge payment (this does not apply to account kept on a VAT ID, wich are registered as VAT payers).
The tax document for the paid service is no longer issued.