Specifics of Windows server

Set PHP version in web.config file

PHP scripting is fully supported on all Windows hosting servers.

Each customer can change the version of PHP scripts by editing the web.config configuration file,
which is located in the wwwroot directory.

You can download the sample web.config for PHP 7.3 HERE.
You can download the sample web.config for PHP 8.0.12 HERE.

The sample file can be used directly in your website, all that is needed is manual editing of the
compilation directory. Specifically, on the fourth line, you change the path to the compilation
directory, either according to the original web.config or according to the FTP account (eg if you
have account v001234a, you set the compilation directory P:\v001234\.

If your web.config file already contains other settings, such as redirection to the HTTPS protocol, it is necessary to include this setting in the new web.config file.